
Thoughts on our architecture

With every building project people change the environment. We impress upon the world our ideas and needs to create urban quality and human spaces. Each building becomes a public testimony. 

It is especially important therefore, that our architecture is free from temporary styles and fashions. Architects Roland Schulz (ARS) strive to provide valuable and enduring additions to the built environment.

Projects that we plan are always intended to be part of the urban whole, so that the individual appearance and scale of our architecture can react with its surroundings and contribute to a humane environment.

Our solutions range from full integration with the style of adjoining buildings to deliberate contrast However, the ability of our architecture to integrate into the urban context always has priority in order to complement and develop the urban fabric.


ARS was initially founded by Roland Schulz as freelance architect, Dipl. Eng. TH Darmstadt, in 1988 in Langenfeld/Rheinland, Germany and Udine, Italy. In 1999 the office in Schwerin, Germany, was opened.

The work focuses on urban planning and superstructures, with an almost equal balance between new developments and renovation/modernisations. In recent years, ARS has been involved in many local authority contracts and has particular expertise in school buildings.

The office has a strong reputation as a capable and reliable practice. All the projects have been delivered with robust cost control and a very high level of client satisfaction.

Roland Schulz

Academic career

  • 1978 - 1986
    • Studied at the Department of Architecture – Technical High School -  Darmstadt. Diploma project with Prof. Max Bächer.
  • 1987 - 1992
    • Assistant to Prof. Gino Valle at the Composizione Architettonica 1A,Instituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia.

Professional career

  • 1986 - 1992
    • Freelance architect with Prof. Gino Valle, Studio Valle Architetti Associati, in Udine – Italy.
  • 1990
    • Founded own offices in Udine and Solingen-Germany.
  • 1994 - 1998
    • Managing Partner with the Planungsgruppe Nord, Hamburg and Schwerin.
  • 1999
    • Founded own office in Schwerin followed in 2006 with an office in Hamburg.


Selection for projects as Freelance Architecture

with Prof. Max Bächer, Darmstadt:

  • 1984
    • Gutachten Messe-Ost, Frankfurt a. Main,

with Prof. Gino Valle, Studio Valle Architetti Associati, Udine, Venedig, Mailand, Paris:

  • 1986
    • Technologiepark ´BICOCCA´ (Pirelli), Mailand (I)
    • Hauptverwaltung IBM, Paris - La Defense (F)
    • Mensa Ausbildungszentrum Olivetti, Burolo (I)
    • Gutachten Erweiterung Café Winkler, Salzburg (A)
    • Hotel- und Kongreßzentrum, Nimes (F)
    • Gerichtsgebäude, Padua (I)
  • 1987
    • Verwaltungsgebäude Olivetti, Ivrea (I)
    • Gutachten Hotel- und Kongreßzentrum, Salzburg (A)
    • Wettbewerb Bus- und Fährenterminal, Üsküdar (TR)
    • Technologiepark ´BICOCCA´ (Pirelli), Mailand (I)
  • 1988
    • Verwaltungszentrum und Hotel ´ALISARDA´, Olbia (I)
    • Wettbewerb Museumsareal Messepalast, Wien (A)
    • Wettbewerb Hauptverwaltung Societe Generale, La Defense, Paris (F)
    • Theatergebäude mit Geschäfts- und Verwaltungszentrum, Vicenza (I)
  • 1989
    • Wettbewerb Internationaler Seegerichtshof, Hamburg
    • Gutachten Verwaltungszentrum Mercedes-Benz, Frankfurt
  • 1990
    • Bebauungsplan Süd, Bergamo (I)
    • Wettbewerb Hauptverwaltung BAYER-Italien, Portello, Mailand


International Workshops

  • 1982 / 1988
    • "Feldstudien ", La Seu d'Urgell (Spanien), mit Prof. Max Bächer
  • 1989
    • "4. Internationales Bauforum, Hafencity", Hamburg, Einladung mit Prof. Gino Valle
  • 1991
    • Städtebauworkshop "Isola Tronchetto", Venedig, in Kooperation mit TH Darmstadt,
    • Lehrstuhl Prof. Roland Wick, Ludwig Mann + Michael Schneeberger
  • 1996
    • IAAS - Internationaler Städtebauworkshop, Schwerin
